Shamanic Online Training: 13 Original Clan Mothers

The legacy of the feminine and Mother Earth are at risk. In these times we are called more than ever to return to our origins, to the ancestral wisdom in order to overcome our disconnection and return home, to the peaceful union of All Our Relations.

The medicinal wheel of the 13 ancestral grandmothers or matriarchs represents this legacy that is now being recovered. The 13 matriarchs emerge as healing aspects of Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon and are spiritual teachers, each bringing her medicine. They represent the most beautiful aspects in women and in the feminine principle.

It is urgent that women become aware of the legacy given to them as a way to heal themselves. In this way the wound of the feminine collective can serve as a portal, the wound becomes a teacher and guides us towards our greater purpose: returning us to Love, to Healing. In this way we will no longer need to resort to hostility or manipulation to cover old pains.

In this 9 week training we will connect to this legacy of thirteen-lessons, 13-aspects of ancestral wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation through women’s medical circles for hundreds of years. These 13 aspects are like seeds of love and healing, planted in the feminine side of all humans.

Through the dreams and visions of wise women in these medicine circles, we can now continue to dream and envision for all, together and in harmonious union with All Our Relationships to weave a new dream, a new model for humanity.

Let’s all get this medicine together. All together in the brotherhood. All together, weaving and singing 😉


 -you feel the call of mother Earth and ancient wisdom -you want to know your body better -you want to improve your intimate and emotional health -you want to harmonize states of anxiety and restlessness -you want to start your circles – you want to contribute to the common good and to a new Earth


 • 13 teachings/medicines of matriarchs • 13 rituals to start applying in your life • Connection to ancestral shamanic wisdom: the opening of the vision • Connection to the ancestral divine feminine: learning to listen, to receive messages • Body-mind connection: intuition tuning • Womb-heart connection: kundalini awakening • Entering flow: openness to synchronicities & miracles


Online event on the ZOOM platform

8 Meetings + 1 Integration Meeting

Duration 2 to 3 h (depending on the number of participants)

One week day (Monday OR Tuesday) from 19.00 to 21.00/22.00 CET

Lessons recorded for later use

Duration: 2 months

Integration Session: 2 weeks after the end

Follow up on Telegram

BONUS-offer: Womb Steaming Group Session


Matriarch of the 1st lunar cycle: Talks with Relations

Matriarch of the 2nd lunar cycle: Wisdom Keeper

Matriarch of the 3rd lunar cycle: Weighs the Truth

Matriarch of the 4th lunar cycle: Looks Far Woman

Matriarch of the 5th lunar cycle: Listening Woman

Matriarch of the 6th lunar cycle: Storyteller

Matriarch of the 7th lunar cycle: Loves All  Things

Matriarch of the 8th lunar cycle: She Who Heals

Matriarch of the 9th lunar cycle: Setting Sun Woman

Matriarch of the 10th lunar cycle: Weaves The Web

Matriarch of the 11th lunar cycle: Walks Tall Woman

Matriarch of the 12th lunar cycle: Gives Praise

Matriarch of the 13th lunar cycle: Becomes Her Vision

Upcoming Trainings in 2022:

Portuguese native speakers starting 14th February 2022

English/German speakers starting May 2022

Energy Exchange: 388€