“This is a personal holiday and the woman allows the entire day to honor her Grandmothers, the Earth and herself. She takes a basket filled with the sacred foods, seedlings of young trees to plant, and offerings to the spirits and her Grandmothers, with her to the site.(…) Later on she will go to the place of the Elder Grandmother and ask for the ceremony of initiation into the Lodge of the Grandmothers”
Song of Blood’s End
By Spider
Menopause, like the first bleeding, is a dramatic change in the physical expression and mental perception of womanhood and as such needs some form of recognition. Recently menopause has gained more mainstream acceptance and is now talked about more openly.
Our ancestors believed, and we believe them (!), that when a woman stopped bleeding she had already integrated all the experience and knowledge that would now transform into deep wisdom to be shared with the community. Therefore the grandmothers were the counselors and healers of the tribe.
In this ritual I will guide you to celebrate and welcome the menopause towards your empowerment and integration of the wise woman, the woman that sees clearly with eyes of experience guiding and sharing her wisdom with the younger women.
This ritual can be celebrated individually or among a group of woman friends. Details follow by appointment.
Please bring an offering to yourself and to the Earth for this ceremony.
Note: this format can also be done online in Zoom.
Time duration: 60-90 Minutes individually /120 Minutes in a group
Value: varies according to place and distance